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Muzyczny spam - Wersja do druku

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Muzyczny spam - Knifeman - 19.08.2013

Masowo wysyłane e-maile coraz częściej są spersonalizowane. Skubańce wiedza ze zajmujemy się muzyka. Dostajemy oferty nie z tej ziemi, niebiańskie labele, dobrze płatna pracę, chęć współpracy muzycznej.

Prosiłbym was o wrzucanie takich perełek do tego tematu ku przestrodze.

pozwólcie że zacznę :D

Cytat:Hey ,

My name is Tammy Long I place songs in films/movies working for New Media Group UK.

( ;

Most movies pay indies roughly 5k to place their song in a film , (compared to 100k for someone like black eyed peas) so I am always on sites like Reverbnation & Soundcloud looking for talented individuals like yourself. I'm simply amazed you're not famous . I am forced to only choose songs based on Criteria, not greatness or I would have chosen one of your songs for the film I am working on. Regardless, I wanted to take the chance to connect for future opportunities. Next time you shoot a professional video , get it on youtube & send it over, least I can do is send it to a buddy of mine who works for MTVU . Never know, maybe he will add it to the rotation! Are you signed yet ? I'm sure you already heard about G17records and submitted but if not this is your guardian angel telling you to... (lol) They are a new label with tons of geniuses on their staff. I met the founder once, great guy. Check them out at

Keep in touch!!!
Love , Tammy

- Dla lepszej czytelności zalecam użycie opcji "Cytat"
- POD ŻADNYM POZOREM nie kilkać w linki zawarte w tekście
- Treść maili umieszczana jest w celach informacyjnych a nie reklamowych

RE: Muzyczny spam - Yes I Am - 19.08.2013

Galanta reklama :D

RE: Muzyczny spam - Stiopa - 26.08.2013

Cytat:,,You've Ben invited to submit to G17Records! (by We're looking to sign several artists, amongst all genres, by 2014. If your wondering who we are or what made me take time out of my day to email you read about us @ For more info about the submissions navigate to the submission tab or go to

Davey P

Doastałem dziś maila XD

RE: Muzyczny spam - Wizzardius - 26.08.2013

Ale o co w tym chodzi? ;P

RE: Muzyczny spam - Stiopa - 26.08.2013

Naciągają, żeby wykupić zgłoszenie, a oni może Cię wybiorą :D

RE: Muzyczny spam - Yes I Am - 27.08.2013

Mi wysłali ostatnio olbrzymie... ale po prostu było za długie xd

RE: Muzyczny spam - RDZK - 30.08.2013

z g17 tez dostalem, pewnie jak wszyscy :D

RE: Muzyczny spam - Muri - 30.08.2013

Zgadza się! Podobnie jak Stiopę i RDZK mnie również dorwało G17Records. I tak jak do Knifemana odezwał się do mnie Tammy.
A prócz nich także Paul Vinitsky, Producerfactory Team, Push Records, Vendace Records...
Jak tak dalej pójdzie to nie wyrobię z tą sławą!

RE: Muzyczny spam - Knifeman - 30.08.2013

też z g17 dostałem :D - to chyba grubszy szwindel jest

sprawdzę jeszcze na wiadomościach z sounclouda bo zdawało mi się kiedyś ze dostałem

@Muri - jak masz jeszcze zachowane to wrzuć te inne

RE: Muzyczny spam - piral - 30.08.2013

Codziennie dostaję około 5 maili, 3 to spam tego typu, 1 z jakiegoś portalu społecznościowego, 1 coś jest warty. :D

RE: Muzyczny spam - Loco - 30.08.2013

A ja dostaje, yyy, całe nic, zero, teraz mi możecie zazdrościć. :D

RE: Muzyczny spam - RDZK - 6.09.2013

Cytat:How are you? My cousin had your music on his laptop at our Labor Day party.
I liked it enough to "google" you can get your contact info. ! I own a
Private Marketing firm . We are private for a reason. Our services are
simple yet extremely powerful . I contacted you hoping you are confident
enough to introduce your content to millions of fans throughout the US,CA,
and UK. Our services are used by many top industry stars with music like

I have over a branch filled with Social Media Guru's, all with Facebook and
Twitter Accounts adding up to a combined total of 200 Million fans ready
to promote your next Song,Facebook Page, Youtube Video,etc to a broad range
of target markets.Our clients material is promoted by whichever member(s)
of our staff that have a simlar target market.

Only Mainstream Labels and Film Industries have access to our site, but I
made you your own password. Ths site is ,
nmg is the password. Hope to help you get famous soon!


RE: Muzyczny spam - Knifeman - 23.09.2013

dzisiejszy rodzynek

Cytat:I need your assistance for a project.
tylko tyle - wtf?


tajemniczo i aż kusi aby odpisać

RE: Muzyczny spam - Knifeman - 2.11.2013


tutaj raczej spamik od firmy chcącej załatwiać nam menadżera

Cytat:Do you have a manager?

Apologize for the basic/generic looking email, what we have to say is more important so we would rather you focus on our words than email design.

Your music career is our main focus at - A brand new service launched to help turn unsigned artists into well paid music professionals. We take care of all the necessary tasks required to enable your advancement in today's saturated music industry. You can focus on making and performing music and leave the rest to us.

Learn More at

RE: Muzyczny spam - Knifeman - 7.12.2013

dwa rodzyny, ku przestrodze
Cytat:Hey mate,

I just listened to your latest track on soundcloud

To be honest, I was quite amazed that I found such a good track with so few plays.
You need to get more followers and get your track in front of your fans!

A while ago, I've found a ebook that was showing some cool tips on how to
get more exposure to my soundcloud tracks. After I've started implementing
those marketing tips, I was amazed to see that they really improved
my track rankings and got around 500 new followers and lots of comments on most of my tracks..

Its a great way to start a dj career, i got it a while back but now i saw they offer a -45% Black Friday Discount.

I received a email from them today and i tought to share you the link., Have a look belllow

Almost forgot they just shared some cool case studies with impresing results.

Keep up the good work with the tracks, and how this will help you get to the next level.
Also dont forget to leave an email if this helped you.

Have a great day,

Alex R.

PS: I noticed that you your track titles are not search engine optimized. Read the e-book and you will understand what I'm talking about.

i z tutaj grubszy szwindel - naciąganie userów - z ta wiadomością nie radzą sobie filtry antyspamowe
Cytat:My name is Kat, and I’m reaching out to see if you’re interested in monetizing recordings on YouTube.

At AdRev, we make you money by finding other peoples’ YouTube videos containing your music and running ads on those videos. This revenue is COMPLETELY different than the money you make from your own channel and videos.

I know you’ll have questions. We have a support desk and team to help you with answers. Send an email to with any questions, or you can visit our FAQ page at

There’s no obligation until you upload and submit your songs, so sign up for an account at, check out the interface, and let us know what your questions are.

Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our teams are standing by because we take artists’ assets very seriously, and we feel transparency is the best policy.

Best regards,
Katherine Foster
AdRev Support Team

RE: Muzyczny spam - OProject - 7.12.2013

Cytat:Hey mate,

I just listened to your latest track on soundcloud

To be honest, I was quite amazed that I found such a good track with so few plays.
You need to get more followers and get your track in front of your fans!

A while ago, I've found a ebook that was showing some cool tips on how to
get more exposure to my soundcloud tracks. After I've started implementing
those marketing tips, I was amazed to see that they really improved
my track rankings and got around 500 new followers and lots of comments on most of my tracks..

Im a producer now, but that was my starting point, and i still make music every day ,
difference now is tht i know how to get it in front of my listeners

Its a great way to start a dj career, i got it a while back but now i saw they offer a -45% Black Friday Discount.
I received a email from them today and i tought to share you the link., Have a look belllow

Almost forgot they just shared some cool case studies with impresing results.

Keep up the good work with the tracks, and how this will help you get to the next level.
Also dont forget to leave an email if this helped you.

Have a great day,

Alex R.

PS: I noticed that you your track titles are not search engine optimized. Read the e-book and you will understand what I'm talking about.

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W spamie się pojawia więc nie czytam i omijam aż taki głupi nie jestem :D Kariera...